Distance between Green pin with letter A Scamander and Red pin with letter B Petcheys Bay

135.43 mi Straight Distance

184.49 mi Driving Distance

3 hours 17 mins Estimated Driving Time

The straight distance between Scamander (Tasmania) and Petcheys Bay (Tasmania) is 135.43 mi, but the driving distance is 184.49 mi.

It takes to go from Scamander to Petcheys Bay.

Driving directions from Scamander to Petcheys Bay

Distance in kilometers

Straight distance: 217.91 km.      Route distance: 296.84 km

Scamander, Australia

Latitude: -41.4631 // Longitude: 148.263

Photos of Scamander

Mouth of Henderson Lagoon, Falmouth Scamander Scamander Beach Beaumaris TAS Scamander River Scamander NE Tas Falmouth NE Tasmania Falmouth

Scamander Weather

overcast clouds

Predicción: Overcast clouds
Temperatura: 12.7°
Humedad: 96%

Hora actual: 03:31 AM
Amanece: 05:33 AM
Anochece: 06:17 PM

Petcheys Bay, Australia

Latitude: -43.1914 // Longitude: 147.012

Photos of Petcheys Bay

Tod passiert schonmal schnell Huon River - Hospital Point Snowy Hartz Mountain from Port Huon Dover reflection 1 Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle over Palmers Road, Port Huon View from Kings Hills Road Fossils at Poverty Point Huon Highway from Police Point Road, Glendevie

Petcheys Bay Weather

overcast clouds

Predicción: Overcast clouds
Temperatura: 11.0°
Humedad: 83%

Hora actual: 03:31 AM
Amanece: 05:37 AM
Anochece: 06:23 PM