Distance between Green pin with letter A Raukkan and Red pin with letter B Crystal Brook

159.64 mi Straight Distance

203.79 mi Driving Distance

3 hours 36 mins Estimated Driving Time

The straight distance between Raukkan (South Australia) and Crystal Brook (South Australia) is 159.64 mi, but the driving distance is 203.79 mi.

It takes to go from Raukkan to Crystal Brook.

Driving directions from Raukkan to Crystal Brook

Distance in kilometers

Straight distance: 256.86 km.      Route distance: 327.90 km

Raukkan, Australia

Latitude: -35.4712 // Longitude: 139.325

Photos of Raukkan

Landscape My camp site in Ashville Pink Lake Some "Pink Water" Pomander Point Salt lake, The Coorong, South Australia princess highway from wellington to meningie - south australia

Raukkan Weather

broken clouds

Predicción: Broken clouds
Temperatura: 17.5°
Humedad: 76%

Hora actual: 12:00 AM
Amanece: 07:50 PM
Anochece: 09:58 AM

Crystal Brook, Australia

Latitude: -33.3531 // Longitude: 138.206

Photos of Crystal Brook

Grain train being loaded The Big Goanna - Crystal Brook, South Australia EH Hewett Building - Crystal Brook, South Australia Crystal Brook paddock and gum tree The Big Goanna, Crystal Brook NR12 at Crystal Brook Crystal Brook Old orchard

Crystal Brook Weather

overcast clouds

Predicción: Overcast clouds
Temperatura: 18.0°
Humedad: 67%

Hora actual: 02:20 AM
Amanece: 06:29 AM
Anochece: 08:27 PM