Distance between Green pin with letter A Cathcart and Red pin with letter B Windorah

883.20 mi Straight Distance

1,082.80 mi Driving Distance

19 hours 51 mins Estimated Driving Time

The straight distance between Cathcart (New South Wales) and Windorah (Queensland) is 883.20 mi, but the driving distance is 1,082.80 mi.

It takes to go from Cathcart to Windorah.

Driving directions from Cathcart to Windorah

Distance in kilometers

Straight distance: 1,421.07 km.      Route distance: 1,742.23 km

Cathcart, Australia

Latitude: -36.8435 // Longitude: 149.388

Photos of Cathcart

Blue Dog in C2K thru Cathcart Feral camel Cathcart, NSW Water-hole, Mount Marshall. Hereford heifers, "Valma", Cathcart Mt Marshall farm, Cathcart. Smoke Rises from Jingera Rock, east of Wydham, NSW Old farmhouse, "Valma", Cathcart.

Cathcart Weather

scattered clouds

Predicción: Scattered clouds
Temperatura: 19.9°
Humedad: 39%

Hora actual: 12:00 AM
Amanece: 07:04 PM
Anochece: 09:22 AM

Windorah, Australia

Latitude: -25.4227 // Longitude: 142.656

Photos of Windorah

Windorah Outback Store *** Queensland The red Dunes of Windorah, Qld, Australia you are hiding but I can see you ;-) flooded road in the outback Solar Panel Trial, Windorah QLD Bush Airport *** Windorah *** Queensland Windorah Cemetary Entrance, Qld, Australia Settlers Cottage in Windorah

Windorah Weather

clear sky

Predicción: Clear sky
Temperatura: 31.5°
Humedad: 32%

Hora actual: 08:44 AM
Amanece: 05:56 AM
Anochece: 07:24 PM